Best packing tips

9 best packing tips for travel

You have planned hard for that travel, got all the logistics sorted out and now the date is finally here. Well, there is one thing if ignored can quickly turn into a nightmare. In all our experiences of travel, packing is one thing that has always been less than perfect. Based on our experiences and continuous learning, here are our 9 best packing tips you can use before you travel or even while at it.

1. Choose the right type of luggage

The first step towards getting started with packing is to decide and finalize the luggage that you are going to carry. You wouldn’t want to be caught dead carrying suitcases while hiking or riding bikes and at the same time carrying backpacks would not make sense if you were travelling for business. So, get that sorted out first.

2. Make a list

Many of us overlook this aspect and end up either forgetting something or getting all frantic at the last moment. So, prepare a list of things that you have to carry on the upcoming trip, right from your clothing to accessories, camera gear etc. This list doesn’t have to be an exact one but a tentative rough estimate would do and you can keep adding to it as you get closer to the date. When you are closer to the date, just gather things from your list and keep them in a single place before you pack them finally.

3. Roll vs. fold

Most of the experts out there are advocates of rolling your clothes before packing. Yes, rolling does help in managing space more efficiently but there are certain things to consider. If you are carrying a suitcase then rolling makes a lot of sense as you would be able to utilise the available space in a better way. Even in a backpack, yes, but what we found on our last trip is that the bag starts bulging uncomfortably so much that we resorted to folding some of them later on. Rolling will take more of your time so if you are in a hurry then it may not work. Also, rolling causes a lot more creases to appear in clothes so you need to be sure what you are rolling and what should be folded.

4. Type of clothing material

From where we left off in the last point, synthetic clothing adapts better to rolling than a material let’s say cotton. The synthetic cloth gets back to its normal shape and is less prone to creasing than its cotton counterpart so be aware of that. Some people’s skin may react differently to different materials of clothing so do take that as well into consideration.

5. Order of packing

As a rule, keep the least required stuff at the bottom and the most likely one to be used at the top. If you keep it the opposite way, then you will have to sift through your entire packing which could undo all your hard work.

6. Avoid over or underpacking

Believe us, you only require half the stuff that is there inside your bag. We have been guilty of overpacking our bags and carrying unnecessary dead weight. While overpacking is a very common issue, you should also not make the mistake of underpacking. Carrying too less than you should, leads to unnecessary purchases and this can prove costly as well.

7. Carry pouches for accessories

Invest in pouches to carry accessories. This will not only keep your stuff organised and will also save you a lot of time in searching for it. You can have different ones to carry toiletries, medicines, mobile accessories etc.

8. Carry lightweight waterproof bags

Travelling in a rainy season or planning to take a dip in a pool. Where will you keep the clothes gone wet? If you mix it with other clothes, then you are in a lot of trouble. So, we suggest you invest in small lightweight waterproof bags where you can dump all such stuff and not bother about other things.

9. Wear heavy clothing on yourself

Want to reduce the size and weight of your bag? Well, wear it. If you have some heavy stuff like jackets or boots then you will be better served to wear those on you rather than stash them in your luggage. It may not be feasible at all times but yes, wherever possible you can think about doing it.

Well, these are very simple yet best packing tips for travel that should be considered. Of course, not an exhaustive list but will certainly be of help if implemented.

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