About Us

About us - Anup


I belong to a South Indian family though we shifted base to Delhi while I was very young. Like Aabir, I am also a finance professional and have worked with several companies in various positions. The word “travel” to me initially was mainly outstation trips with friends or colleagues. With our country becoming accessible both via the internet and the roads post 2010, I found the world around me dimly lit compared to what was there on the horizon. Since then, I have done several journeys around the country. Then the motorcycling bug bit me somewhere in 2017 and the resultant freedom of travelling without a cage is something one can only feel.  Around that time, trekking in mountains also opened up in India and I warmed up to that idea of being away from civilization. So, in summary, I love anything and everything related to travel.

About us - Aabir


I was born in a Bengali family (travel comes naturally to me). By profession, I am a finance guy though the techie in me seemed more dominant. My tryst with travel began at a very early age with family vacations at far off places. A seeker at heart who dreams of travelling to every corner of India. I love exploring places on maps and through travel. I am an avid blog reader, technology enthusiast, bike rider and cyclist who loves sharing experiences through storytelling. I find inner peace while being among nature and spirituality. I firmly believe that travel serves to make our lives more vibrant and meaningful. I wish to create a positive impact on people and the environment by promoting environment friendly activities and reducing food wastage.

How and why we got together?

We mentioned earlier about several companies that we worked with; it was during one of those stints that we had the opportunity of working with each other. By our primal nature, we both are introverts but then there was one common interest that got us talking i.e., travel (no prizes for guessing this one). We have done several family trips both weekend and multi-day, travelled with each other to remote areas and done many motorcycle rides. What really worked for us is the similar thought process, respect for the people and more importantly respect for nature while travelling. We don’t carry excess baggage from our past and it is just our clothes and essentials that travel with us.

Now to address the question of why this website and what purpose will it serve when there are hundreds out there.

When we used to plan our outings, the planning used to be a very tedious process (and it still is). The information that we or for that matter any traveller would look for like the distances, modes of travel, places of stay etc. are extremely scattered across lots of mediums and takes a lot of time and effort to collate. Would it not be easier if everything or at least most of it are available at a single place in a condensed manner? The blogs that are or will be written on this platform will be based on keeping the end user in mind to make their lives a wee bit easier. Also, who doesn’t like to read about real travel experiences (well, we certainly do).

So, whenever you visit this site and read any of our stuff, there is an underlying commitment from our side that the content, be it our personal experiences, travel guides, tips or anything else, will be 100% authentic, genuine and exist with only one intention i.e., to help you enhance your travel experience so that the only thing on your mind at the end of it are the pleasant memories.

About us -how and why we got together
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