Tips for solo travel

Essential tips for solo travel

Travelling solo can be an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience. While some revel in the thought of being alone while travelling whereas for others it could be terrifying to even think about it. Many of the travel (blogs) that you have read on this site have been done together but there have been many others (still undocumented) which we have done solo. Here are some of the practical and essential tips to make your solo adventure safe, enjoyable and memorable:

1. Research well

Before your actual travel starts, do your homework properly. Make yourself familiar with the routes, local customs and safety issues/advisories. Read actual travel blogs of people who have been to the place to get a first-hand feel of the issues faced. YouTube is another popular medium that can be used for research.

Research well

2. Plan your itinerary in advance

This will be an important step especially if this is your first solo travel. You can read our blog on how to plan an itinerary by clicking here. Though an itinerary essentially means that you have limited flexibility but in reality, things can go wrong so keep that at the back of your mind. Sometimes unexpected adventures can make your trip memorable.

Plan an itinerary in advance

3. Stay connected

Keep your loved ones informed about your whereabouts at all times. One of the things that we do personally while travelling solo is to share our live location on Maps. Also share any changes to the original plan.

Stay connected

4. Use of technology

If you are one of the introverted types (like ourselves) or travelling to a remote location, then the use of technology becomes all the more important. Some of the must to-do here would be to download offline maps, install a language translator application and save emergency contact information.

Use of technology

5. Avoid travel after sunset

We generally avoid travelling in dark and would advise the same to any traveller. Start early from your source and reach early at your destination. The views along the way are best enjoyed during daytime so that is another reason why you should travel during the day.

Avoid travel after sunset

6. Book your accommodation in advance

While doing the research of your destination, include accommodation as well as a part of that. You do not want to be compromising on this front and end up in some shady part of the city. Believe us, your mind will be at peace knowing where you will be staying upon arrival.

Book accommodation

7. Safe interactions with locals

Engage in safe conversations with the locals to find out more about the place, food and any hidden attractions. No amount of research can supplement the knowledge that a person local possess. We ourselves have been to so many local places which we did not find anywhere on the web. Who does not love a side adventure?

Safe interactions with locals

8. Travel light (as much as possible)

Travelling solo means you are not only responsible for yourself but also for what you carry, and loss of any luggage will put that much pressure on my mind. So, pack only those items which you truly need and chuck out those unwanted luxuries. If you need some packing tips, make sure your read our blog by clicking here.

Travel light

9. Secure your important documents

There is no bigger headache than to lose your important documents while on a solo trip. This has the potential to ruin your entire experience. So, keep copies of all important documents, both in physical and digital form. Keep all your original documents in a secure place.

Secure your important documents

10. Trust your instincts

If do not feel good about something, then do not do it. Instincts are powerful tools, and it is always good to follow them. While travelling (especially) solo, it is better to be safe than sorry.

To round it off, remember that solo travel is an opportunity for self-discovery and reflection which can do wonders for your confidence and personality. While making the most of this experience, remember to prioritise your safety and wellbeing over anything else.

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