Bum La pass

How to get a permit for Bumla Pass in Arunachal Pradesh

Where is Bumla Pass?

Bum La (La means pass) is a high-altitude pass situated in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and serves as a border with China (basically Tibet). 

You will need a special permit to visit this place. Having an ILP will not suffice.

There are dozens of lakes as well en route to this pass so if you have this permit, you can visit these lakes as well.

What are the different ways by which you can obtain this permit for Bumla pass?

Let us see how you want to make this journey.

  • By local taxi based out of Tawang:

    If you are planning to hire one of the local taxis available then you will not need to do anything as the taxi agency or driver will procure this permit for you. You will just need to give your ID proofs and ILP to him.

  • By taxi hired from outside Tawang:

    There is a high probability that you will not be able to make this journey as the local taxi union may not allow the outside taxi to ply so do check before making a plan.

  • By private car:

    You will either have to procure the permit on your own or take help from your hotel.

  • By private or rented bike:

    You can ride both your private as well as rented bikes and you should not face any issues. The mode of procurement of permits will be the same as in the last point.

What is the process to get this Bumla permit on your own?

Before starting with the process, let us tell you that there will be hordes of people who will try to scam you by charging you money to get this permit. But do not fall for this and get it done yourself. If you do not want to get into the process or want to take the easier road then it is another thing altogether. We were also sceptical at the beginning and were trying to get it done through our hotel (who quoted Rs.750 for the permit) but completed the process on our own without spending a single extra penny. Also, note that you will have to start this process a day before your scheduled visit to the pass.

  1. Documents required (in duplicate):

    • Copy of Aadhar card
    • Copy of Driving License of any one person
    • Copy of ILP
    • Copy of vehicle registration

  2. Visit the DC office in Tawang. It is very close to the main market of Tawang, you can ask around and people will be happy to help you with the directions.

  3. Once you are inside the DC office building, check with anyone over there who is handling the permits for Bum La. When we visited, we had to go to a room on the ground floor.

  4. You will be given a tourist permit form (in duplicate) which will require the following information:

    • Type of vehicle
    • Driving License No.
    • Personal details like Name, Age, Sex, Father’s/Husband’s name and Address.

  5. Fill up this form and submit the documents mentioned in point 1. The office will make an entry and you will be given a stamped copy of the form.

  6. Take this form to the Tawang war memorial (where the Brigadier’s office is) and hand it over to the army person manning the gates. He will take that form and make an entry in his register.

  7. The next day morning i.e., the day of your visit, go to the Tawang war memorial and collect the permit stamped by the Army officer in charge. You can collect this any time after 6.30 AM so be sure to leave as early as possible.

Well, that is all and you will have the permit. The process may seem tedious but believe us, it does not take much time. 

If there are any questions on the process, do leave a comment and we will be happy to help.

8 thoughts on “How to get a permit for Bumla Pass in Arunachal Pradesh”

    1. signupfortravel

      Local taxis charge somewhere around ₹5,500 for a vehicle. No extra charges if you are allowed to take your own vehicle.


    if we are taking a privet car from mumbai , do we face any problem

    There is no problem to drive our persnal car in tawang

    1. signupfortravel

      You can drive till Tawang no problem assuming that you have an Inner Line Permit. If you want to go till BumLa on your private car, you will have to check with the DC office.

    1. signupfortravel

      The locals will anyday support their taxi unions and discourage any outside vehicles. If you have already driven down or planning to drive down your private vehicle then suggest checking with the DC office and/or the Army folks at the Tawang War Memorial as they are incharge of the permit process and can advise you better. We had ridden our motorcycle rented from Guwahati and did not face any problem.

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