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How to plan a trip: A beginner’s guide

We all love to travel, don’t we? It is pretty certain that most of us have been there and done that for whatever purposes and reasons. But then the big question (and most often ignored one) is how do we plan for a trip? Believe us, the success or failure of a trip largely depends upon how well or conversely how badly one has planned for it. There are advocates for unplanned travel and the joy that it brings but no one can deny the benefits of planned travel. We have travelled extensively, done solo trips, with groups, with family and travelled with office colleagues so we can say that we do have a fair idea of what things one has to keep in mind before heading out on a trip.
The things listed below are high-level pointers as to what you need to keep in mind while planning a trip. These are from our personal experiences and problems that we have faced over the years.

1. Decide on the available number of days

If wishes were horses, then we would love to be on a vacation for an infinite number of days but then the fact always remains that we only have a specified number of days to spare. So, the first thing that needs to be decided is the available number of days for the trip. Check up on that calendar, apply for leaves well in advance and do not leave things till the last minute, these are real necessities if the plan is to work. This point is crucial to decide on the destination and associated itinerary. Some may argue that one should first decide on the destination and then fit the number of days available, it is certainly debatable. If we were to decide on a destination which is very far and not proportionate to the number of days available then one could end up spending most of the time on the road and could ruin the whole experience. So, be very sure of what is available beforehand.

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Pro Tip: Keep one day extra as a buffer for unforeseen circumstances while planning for a trip.

2. Choose or decide on your fellow travellers

We bet you were thinking that the second point would be to select a destination. Well, there are more important things to do before that. Knowing whom you are travelling with is very important for the success of a trip. The destination while travelling with a family will be very different from travelling solo or with a group of friends. For example, you could travel to remote places while travelling solo or with friends but it may not be feasible if you are travelling with a family or kids. Another important point is the interests of the people whom you are travelling with. If it is a group with varied interests, let’s say a few like mountains and a few like beaches, then in such a scenario one group may not have an enjoyable experience and this might hamper the overall scheme of things.

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Important: Make sure that the members of a group do not back out as this will impact your overall budget etc.

3. Select the destination

Select the destination Ok, now we are at the point of selecting where we are headed to. Without any doubt, this is the most important of them all. Based on the number of days and the people whom you are travelling with, shortlist a few destinations. If you are travelling in a group then it would serve well to discuss this list with them as it will keep them engaged and excited to be a part of it. There are several things to consider here, like if you are travelling with young children then if this destination will be engaging enough for them. Heading off to be in the lap of nature sounds good but the smaller kids may not find it interesting and the overall experience can quickly turn sour. So, do a little bit of research about the places you have shortlisted and then decide on the final one. There are also factors like distance, accessibility, availability of medical facilities etc. which will play an important role. Then, there is the season in which you are travelling. Some may not like to travel to the mountains in the winter while some may want to travel specifically in the winters to experience snow. So, yes, it is not very easy selecting a destination but we hope the pointers mentioned will help you get there.

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4. Fixing a budget

As with the finite days, so is the money that one can spend on a vacation. Even if the vacation planned falls into the luxury category, you still need to know how much and when to put a lid on it. This becomes all the more important when one is on a tight budget. While deciding on how much money is at your disposal, account for contingencies as well. Nowadays, credit cards are so easy to get and along with it the problem of overspending. There will always be thought that one may not come back to this place again so let us spend even more but then if you breach your budget there may not be another trip. So, prepare an estimate of the money you are going to spend on a trip and more importantly stick to it while you are at it, what is the use of a budget if you cannot stick to it?

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Pro Tip: Travelling off-season will save you a lot of money if on a tight budget.

5. Choosing your mode of travel

Now that you have a few things clear like the days, destination and budget, the next thing you have to decide is how to get there. This decision will be based on all or some of the factors mentioned above. For example, if you decide to drive down to your destination and it is a far-off place then the time available at the place will go down. If you are travelling with small kids then a long journey without breaks will not be possible or rather pleasurable. Similarly, the budget will play an important part, if you are on a tight budget then choosing a luxury mode of travel will not work.

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Pro Tip: Booking in advance will help you get the best prices especially if you are flying to the destination.

6. Booking accommodation

This is applicable especially if you are travelling with families or in groups. While it is true that many local accommodation options like homestays may not all be listed on the net so if you are on a budget then you may be at a disadvantage by booking online. However, it might not be a risk worth taking by going in unannounced if you are travelling with a group. Imagine reaching a place late in the day and not getting a place to stay or the hotels fleecing you by looking at your plight. By booking in advance, you can arrive with peace of mind. Several online sites are competing with each other in giving you the best prices so you may get a great deal after all.

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7. Planning the day-wise itinerary

Research the place that you are heading to and prepare a day-wise schedule. It is always advisable to include a certain degree of flexibility in your plan to avoid any disappointment. Check out the weather conditions during the period of your stay and plan accordingly. Planning a full day out in adverse weather may not materialise at all. We had earlier mentioned about keeping a buffer day so it can be utilised in such scenarios. Too many activities planned in a day could ruin your overall experience as you might end up too tired to enjoy the place. The plan should be such that any travel between points of interest should be restricted to a minimum. Also, check there could be timing restrictions and weekly closure so do keep a tab while planning.

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8. Be smart while packing

We have travelled to so many places and believe me, most of the time we have carried stuff which was never used during the vacation. We are sure many of you can relate to this situation. Do not carry your wardrobe with you as it will be you who will have to carry this burden on the trip. Another point is the season in which you are travelling, pack accordingly. If you are travelling in winter and carrying too few warm clothes can put your health and experience both at risk. You will end up spending unnecessary money at the destination which will prove to be expensive and will cause a dent in your initial budget. Similarly, if you are travelling during the summer months make sure to carry accessories like hats, sunscreen lotions etc.

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In this busy world, vacations are mostly hard to come by so it is imperative to make them count. With a bit of smart planning, one can have an experience that can be cherished for a lifetime. The above-mentioned tips are the bare minimum that should be taken care of while planning for a trip. These are not absolute as there may be many more intricacies involved. Do come back for more tips on these topics. Till then, happy planning!

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